胡之苓 你是個笨蛋
how can I be so stupid?

I hate math!
I hate everything about math!
math, I hate you!!
you suck and make me dumb

you suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck and I suck too!!

oh man.......
I think I have to spend more time on that fucking precalculus
coz my GPA can't go down any lower..

why should I take this mass so serious?
why should I care!?

Life sucks..yeah because of MATH!

Dear little bro...can you share little bit of your smartness with me?plez...


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